welcome back

Hi! It’s been so many years since I’ve posted on here. I used to blog so regularly, at the peak of blogging. I think blogging is coming back- instagram is just images with clever meaningless captions, and tons of reels. tiktok is its own thing. youtube seems kinda dead. and X… don’t get me started. But long form posts where you get to know the person are something I crave online. I want to get to know people again. Everyone is online now, and for the younger generations, there is no difference between online culture and culture. I still post somewhat regularly on Instagram, but I’ve been craving posting more. Writing real captions. Maybe even posting on Tiktok.

All that to say, I’m going to write on my own little page again. I’m updating and cleaning up the years-outdated stuff, and sprucing up the look of it. SO much has changed since I was last regularly posting on here!

This will also give me a great excuse to take photos in life. When I was posting vlogs on IG, I was filming everything. But those started performing really badly at the end of the summer and I got kind of discouraged. It made me feel like a loser to post something I worked really hard on and liked and 10-22 people viewed it. I felt protective of my work, like I should edit it just for me and not post it, or that it shouldn’t totally flop on instagram, because having it do badly but I put my heart into it felt worse! Navigating sharing stuff on a platform like that, where your views and likes are visible and seem to “mean something” even though they don’t at all, can be really awkward and difficult. No one wants to just shout into the void with social media.

It’s funny to write all of that, and my expectation is that no one will read this! I guess that falls into the “just for me” category of posting online. If someone resurrects a years-dead blog on a mostly dead medium and there is no one to see, the stakes are low. But this site still gets daily visitors and traffic. It just feels dead because I can’t see the viewers like I can on Instagram. I SEE all the people viewing my story but not my reel on there!

More to come soon. I have been mountain biking, tried pilates, fallen out of love with my city, gotten married, traveled nonstop, moved and moved back, made friends, and have WAY better recipes here in 2023.



  1. Welcome back! I had a blog many moons ago and just recently started a new one. I needed the release of self expression as well and also am hoping to find more real life content on here. Everything on the other social platforms are so quick.. like how fast can ya double tap and swipe etc. I look forward to reading more of your writing. Peace

    • Thank you so much for your comment ᵕ̈ I can’t wait to see your blog and real life content. I totally agree about the speed of other platforms, no attention span and connection! Cheers!

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