Country Club Khaki

Ah, another nail polish post. 

Look at that color!

I absolutely love nail polish. I wasn’t allowed to wear it until I was in high school, and the second I could, I promptly got my nails done every week during lunch with my babysitting money (although 9th graders weren’t technically allowed to leave campus). Since then, I’ve gotten really good at painting my own nails. It’s a point of pride for me that women often think I got my nails done at a salon when I really did them myself.

That is not to say my nails always look so good, but I try. I recently picked up a color during Ulta’s $4 Orly sale (yeah- can you believe it??) that does a lot of the fancy work for me. It is SO classy and pretty, and it’s subtle enough that you don’t notice any imperfections.   

This color has an excellent formula- like a lot of Orly polishes, it’s not too thin or thick, and gets the nails coated nicely in two coats. 

It’s not exactly my “mannequin nails” color, which is a nude skin-tone colored polish. I am still yet to find mine since many nude polishes are too watery and sheer. “Country Club Khaki” reminds me of milky English Breakfast tea and feels perfect for a rainy weekend or a fresh week at an office job.

My only regret is that my Ulta was sold out of most of their Orly colors during this sale. Although maybe that’s for the best since my nail polish rack is officially full and I can’t commit to buying a second one… That might be taking my polish addiction too far!! 

So- do you like this color? Would you pick it up? I didn’t have much in my collection like this grey-tan with a pink base. What do you think?

Until next time!



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